
Flexible work schedules and your company's wellness campaign

While some firms like Yahoo are in the headlines for telling people to come back to the office others, are marching forward in the direction of "I don't care where you work, just get your work done" philosophy. Consider these health pros and cons:

- Lower stress levels among team members
- Reduce costs on facility space and use
- It supports a "green campaign" with less traffic pollution eroding the ozone

- People will most likely gain a lot more weight
- Poor eating choices at home
- Less physical activity
- Low to no company moral

Flex scheduling is a good idea for those team members who are able to stay disciplined in making the correct choices when it comes to health and fitness. What about the team members that aren't as dedicated to their well being? This could be a bad situation for a company's bottom line. 

Creativity to find ways of lowering health care cost within the organization has grown more important. Now that these undisciplined team members don't even have to get out of their beds and pajamas to go to work, its almost a sure bet that they will become more unhealthy and create more risk factors, inevitably driving health care cost threw the roof. Currently  35.7% of the American work force is obese, and this number will without a doubt rise even higher  if some intervention isn't made to encourage these employees to live a healthier lifestyle. One way companies can achieve this goal is by offering virtual/mobil wellness initiatives that encourage employees to live a healthier lifestyle where ever they may be.

In the next post of Wellness Wednesday I examine what a mobile health program looks like and how you can make it work for your company.

Healthy workers make more cents!

source*  Prevalence of Obesity in the United States
   Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD;