
Five hiring tips any size business can employ

Whether you are launching a startup or have been around for decades you know the most important question is "Where is my next dollar coming from?". The next question you should be ask is "Where is my next great employee coming from?". The good news is they are often standing right in front of your cash register.

During a recent trip to Chipotle, I noticed some interested reading material while in line. It was a recruiting brochure in plain view for all of their customers to see. Let's break this down and find out how even small business employers can have a continual pool of candidates at the ready.

Assess your company's value. Make a list of everything you have to offer potential candidates, both hard dollars and the experience. What is your company's purpose? Are there any unique perks in working for you? What are career path options for employees at your firm?

Even if the path leads people away from your company it can still be a plus. Though I haven't worked at my first post college company in years I still get calls for positions simply because of that company's name on my resume.

Get the word out and don't over think it. In the era of social media and YouTube onw may feel compelled to create something with sizzle. Keep it simple, state the facts about why your company is the best place to work in town. Make small tri-folds and put them in all the high traffic areas of your stores.

Start with your fans. Particularly if you are in retail, let every customer know  you are growing the team. People that spend money in your business would also like to spend their time earning money their too.

Make it easy for people to apply. In an ideal world integrate an applicant tracking system into your website. Allowing candidates to complete their application online says your company is cool and relevant. It also makes managing and screening multiple applications much easier.

Advertise the URL or email address for people to apply on all of your digital and printed material that faces the public.

Follow up and keep in touch. When the applications start rolling in, get back to people right away, regardless of the answer. Your prompt reply is setting a standard of performance that you will expect every day.

If you are always accepting candidates (which is a good idea to do) clearly state a timeline of what to expect. "We will respond each Wednesday to all applications submitted the week prior." Over time you will build a list of candidates to pick from the next time you have a need to fill a position.

Just like marketing to paying customers, marketing the value of your company to future employees is a life blood for growth.

How do you advertise openings and attract great employees?