
How to run and the path to run on

Working non-stop with limited sleep on a big goal with a small group you're getting to know a little too well. No it's not your start-up; I am talking about my experience with the SoCal Rangar relay event I completed this past March. Our group of 12 covered 200 miles in 36 hours and it was a ton of fun.

Like sporting endevours your business needs direction and instruction for it's participant. When you have employees that direction and instruction comes in the form of an employee handbook and job descriptions. These are two tools that are foundational to the relationship you have with your staff and the one they have with paying customers.
  • What does this company do and what does it stand for?
  • What is my role?
  • Where do I go for help?
  • Who do I voice my complaints with and should I put it in writing? (Don't assume much of anything)
  • When am I eligible for benefits?
These are some of the questions you need to have in writing and acessable to staff to proctect your culture, brand, and financial well being. Don't wait until an employees attorney calls. If you know you need to get this done or update what you have (once a year, laws change often) leave a comment or subscribe via email. I am happy to connect you with resources and people that will delivery a ready to use set handbook or other employee documents tailored to your needs.

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