
The 5 Components of a Successful Wellness Program

 A good wellness program should address the needs of the entire population while staying consistent with the vision of the company. Here are a few key components that make-up a successful wellness program.

1) Senior Management Support
In order to get new policies implemented, senior management must support the policy change. Senior management will not only be needed when it comes to financial support, but also can serve as an excellent example. By participating in and leading the way they demonstrate acceptance of the new wellness culture of the company. Senior management buy in is critcal to program success

2) A Well Laid Out Plan
Like the success of any endeavor, a well developed plan is key. The plan should address the needs and interests of the employees and the health and safety improvement of the organization. It should cater to developing wellness initiatives that everyone in the organization can benefit from and enjoy participating in. The plan should serve as the road map for the wellness programs direction and expected outcome. Without a plan, you don't have a chance.

3) Program Evaluations
Evaluations are an ongoing expectation through out the program. The purpose of evaluations are to monitor:
- Program participation
- Participant progression or regression
- Measuring the effectiveness of the wellness program 
- Compares results for the ROI analysis/ report
Evaluations are the metrics needed to determine success of program

4) Maximum Employee Participation
Your organization can have the best wellness program in the world, but if you don't have maximum participation, your organization will not realize the ROI that you wish to achieve. Some of the causes that prevent employee participation in their companies wellness programs are: 
- Lack of or no incentives
- Not interested in the initiatives
- Perceived cost to the employees
If your wellness program peaks the interest of your employees, then you will obtain the participation goals that you are seeking and you will have a direct impact on your bottom line!

5) Return on Investment
The goal of every company is to have more money coming in than going out. If senior management can't see the value of a wellness program, help them understand the numbers. Consult with your HR department to learn your companies area's of opportunity as it relates to absenteeism, productivity and healthcare costs. Most senior management can be convinced when they know they are getting a return on their investment and that it is a win-win situation for both the organization and the employees.

Healthy workers make more cents!


"Healthy workers make more cents."

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