
Best Place to what?

Being honored as a "best place to work" is a feather in your cap whether the list is national in scope or from the local chamber of commerce. The recognition is for the hard work you have invested in making your business a place good employees want to come and stay. You have assembled the right mix of salary, benefits, environment, and challenge for you staff to prospers.
Here are the components that go into evaluating companies that make one of the annual Fortune list. As with all relationships, the foundation is trust between the employee and employer. If you are a start-up lay the ground work for trust before you hire employee. For established employers let the end of this post be the beginning of a new path.

  1. Pay your staff on time and accurately. They can volunteer at the shelter if they want to work for free. 
  2. Communication often. Repetition is key.
  3. Establish clear and consistent policies.
  4. Have measurable expectation of employees and yourself.

Taking this approach to employment will help you maximize the human resources each staff member brings to work each day. The goal of employing people is simple. Employ better ideas and tools to get and keep better staff, who will attract and retain better consumers who gladly pay better prices.

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