
Offer amnesty in the office and throw a party

Company holiday season is approaching and you are wondering if and how you can pay for it this year. You know that team building is important but taking the time out of the day to do it costs you in lost productivity. These important activities can all be covered if you make the HR and purchasing departments pay for it!

Here is a great way to bring people together who may not interact that often and cut spending at the same time. Conduct an office supply amnisty day. It goes something like this:

  1. Set a date and time for all employees to bring in unused office supplies. 
  2. Give at least two announcments two weeks and one week in advance of the scheduled date.
  3. The linch pin to this undertaking is to assure everyone that there will be no ridicule or retribution dispensed on hoarders. Add a bit of competition to see which person or department can turn in the most items. Have them dig deep checking every drawer, credenza, and file cabinet.
  4. Have the person in charge of ordering supplies collect all excess items. You can then sort and redistribute based on pending request for supplies.
  5. Make the collect site a common area and bring in lunch or snacks. This can be a great community building effort. 
So far the best result I have heard of is a company that traditionally purchased $20,000 of supplies each month not placing a single office supply order for the next month after the office supply amnisty day. Wheather you company is large or small in staff size you can have a good laugh together and cut cost while doing it. 

Give it a try then comment below to share your results and what you did with the savings.

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