
Advertising jobs is back in style

According to recent data from the Labor Department job openings are on the rise. They are at the highest levels since June. 128,000 new job opens for a total 3.68 million is positive. With the ratio of job seekers to openings at 3.3 to 1 the challenge for employers is weeding through unqualified candidates to find the gems.

In times like these business owners and those charged with sourcing new talent need an applicant tracking system. There is serious buzz around cloud based job posting services. These platforms allow you to manage postings to multiple job boards from one place. What is often is missing for small businesses are the added features that make it a complete solution.

The ability to have candidates answers qualifying questions in addition to submitting basic information is key. This allows you to score and rank applicants by criteria you set. This feature puts time back on your side. You can make quick work of the hundreds of applications you will get for one job. The employers that need an ATS the most are small employers with under 250 people on staff. The vital features of a good ATS are often reserved and price for large businesses. In a later post I will be reviewing some of the better small business offering in more detail.

Your thoughts please:

Have you found a good ATS for your small business? If so, please share your experiences.

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