
Do me a favor and don't give me the job

Even in this down economy with vast numbers of unemployed workers, choosing not to hire someone is just as important for the candidate at it is for you. There are many reasons we hire people and it is our job as employers examine them to make sure they are the right reasons. Take a look as some of these scenarios, maybe you will see yourself in a few of them.

Desperation: If you are desperate you will repel good candidates and attract desperate ones. You and the employee are better off leaving a position open than just getting a warm body in there. If that warm body is a dead fish they will stink up the place. Customers don't spend money in a stinky place.

Hiring potential: Entrepreneurs are born risk takers. We have to be careful that we don't get too adventurous because we "see" something in a candidate. Make sure the potential you are hiring is based on results even if how they handle the interview process are the only results they have to offer. If you are hiring an administrative person go over their resume and cover letter with a fine tooth comb (they did send a resume & cover letter right?). It should be impeccable and perfect. Did that sales person sell you from start to finish?

Employment by association: Some of your best hires have come from referrals. Often times those referrals come from existing employees. Even if your best employee who has referred you three other employees who have all been outstanding, evaluate the next one with the same scrutiny as if they came from a job board. Do this not because you don't trust the employee that referred them but because you don't trust yourself.

Tips to help you Employ Better:

Always be interviewing: Harvey Mackay wrote a book on networking call "Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty". If you are always interview for quality talent regardless of position,a least two things will happen. 1) you'll become a better interviewer. 2) You will have a pool of candidates that you have a rapport with when you need to fill a position.

Have an interview buddy: If you are just starting out or don't have the money for a recruiter, find a partner in the hiring process. Ask a fellow entrepreneur to give a candidate the once over as well. Go ask the accountant down the hall to interview candidates of the financial position you are filling. You'll be surprised how willing people are to help. Just remember to return the favor. Better yet extend the offer to do it for them before you need to ask.

Have a hiring tool kit: No matter how long you have been doing it never walk into an interview without a list of questions and topics you want to cover. How would you feel if your orthopedic surgeon said "I've done this procedure 10,000 times, I'll see you in there." before consulting with the nurse or confirming with you which leg she will be operating on. Experience should help us refine and adhere to protocol not abandon it.

Following these steps and others like it will help you give the best gift of all. Giving a potential new hire the opportunity to find the right job not just a job. When the job you're offering is right the job for them you get a more productive member of your team.

What other rules do you follow to ensure you are bring on the right talent to your company?

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