
The deadly effects of sitting

Recent studies have shown sitting down in the office can have some pretty sever health risks. As a former contract stationer rep to larger employers I learned quite a bit about office furniture. There are tons of ergonomic options offered to large employer. (my ergonomist would be so upset with my seating position right now). The bulk of employee work for small employer and are missing out on health benefits of these furniture options.

What do you get when you mashup the terms "walking off the job" and "sleeping on the job"? Walking on the job: introducing the treadmill desk. This is by far on the extreme end of work place fitness. Photo: Tricia Coyne/Gainesville Sun
 Instead of trying to get people out of their seats, some employers have done away with the seat all together. The stand up desk demands more. I could see these in a sales office. Remember the pep talk to the young brokers in Boiler Room "Get up move around, motion creates emotion!"

While working for a Fortune 500 health care firm I was exposed to an electric high adjusting desk in the call center. It was amazing to see in action. Our job here is to find affordable options for the small employer who cares about employee health and needs a more cost effective alternative.

Send picture and links to the solutions you have employed to help your otherwise sedentary staff stay active in the workplace.

 Check out this NY Times article and links to the studies on sitting in the workplace.

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