
California labor law effective January 1st 2013

Based on the employment law alerts I receive, California leads the way in changes for 2013. These changes which take effect one the clock strikes 12:00am New Years Day need to be acted upon by employers promptly. Here is a quick list of what is to come.

What is not a commission? AB2675 will have some refinement regarding commission payment agreements.

Employer Use of Social Media Employers don't ask your staff to provide access to their personal social media accounts. The law says that is a no no.

Employee rights in inspection of personnel files Updates to AB2674 changes the rights of your current and former employees to access their personnel files.

California Wage Garnishment Limit Increase The exempt portion of an employee's weekly pay has gone up to 40 time the minimum wage ($8.00) to $320.00. This effects what can be garnished.

Paying commission to employees will require a contract It looks like you will need a provide a contract to commissioned employees spelling out how commissions are calculated. You will also need to have your employees sign the contract and everyone needs a copy for their records.

Religious freedoms in the workplace Religious freedom definitions have been expanded to included dress and grooming when an employee is observing their beliefs.

As always, each year brings new challenges and opportunities for employers under California labor law.

For professional advice subscribe and indicate where you'd like more help. There are some great local professionals to help you navigate and prepare.

Disclaimer: The information discussed in this post and on is for discussion purposes only. This information is in no way offered as legal advice. I am not a lawyer nor is any information provided as legal advice. Please seek professional HR guidance or legal council before taking action.

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