
Direct deposit is the halfway point to paperless payroll

Employ better payroll delivery methods to simplify pay day. Now that you have 100% participation in direct deposit among your staff it is time to take the next step. Electronic pay stubs is the logical progression making your life easier and employee pay safer.

One frustration I have heard many times from payroll administrators is the annoyance of repeat requests for old pay stubs. In one office the head of HR had a stack of unclaimed pay stubs that her employees never bothered to pick. Why should they? The money is in their account and that is what really matters right? Then there was the employee who's glove compartment was overflowing with old pay stubs that never made it home.

Paperless payroll is a solution to these challenges.

Electronic pay stubs were once the luxury of the Fortune 500. Now even the smallest of employers can take advantage of the technology. When using a modern payroll service your staff can receive their pay stub via email. That email will contain a secure link to a .pdf that is ready to print or be saved to their personal computer. Alternatively, employers can give their staff access to a portal so they can view pay stubs. Those stubs are archive and can be reprinted on demand. This option also provides copies of previous W-2s as well.

Paperless payroll offers many benefits:

  • No lost pay stub or employees bugging you for copies. They can be retrieved & saved at any time.
  • Sensitive employee data won't fall out of the car or a bag. It won't be readily available for people to pick up when lost. Most identity theft happen when paper containing ID information ends up in the wrong hands, not from computer hacking. 
  • You are doing your part for the environment in three ways. 
    • No trees were harmed in the processing of your payroll.
    • No C02 were emitted in the delivery of your payroll.
    • You can lessen the clutter in your office and your mind by eliminating reports and unclaimed pay stubs.
  • Paperless payroll is cool. I over heard two young professionals reveling in the idea that they could look at their pay stubs from their iPhones. Yes, there is an app for that too.
Employ better tools so your staff can focus on the job at hand: acquiring and retaining better clients, and generating better profits. 

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