
Your best employees would pay to do their job

Stop looking for candidates who spend time & money looking for a job. Your next great hire is paying to do what they love right now and they spend a ton of time advertising it. There is an affinity group for all manner of hobbies that are easily accessible due to the social web. In each of these networks people build rich profiles about their hobbies. Build relationships with these networks and you will have passionate profitable employees at your finger tips.

  • A knitting supply retailer has a branded community site with over 30,000 members. If used correctly they should never have to pay to fill a position at any level in the company. 
  • Local bike shops have done this for years. The kid who is always hanging around ends up sweeping floors, then becomes a technician, and eventually buys the shop when the current owner retires.
  • IT staff can be found through any number of online forums. Check out and ask for help, you are now interviewing a candidate while getting a problem solved.
  • If you need someone with a creative background hang out at Users are showcasing their portfolio for you to see right from you desk. This site is such an authority that many animation and comic book companies demand to see your deviateart work before you can interview.
"I don't have a branded community or retail shop to turn consumers into employees." There still may be an answer for you. There is a network for just about everything. Join groups on that are related you business. Offering employment opportunities adds value to the group which will increase it's member and your pool of candidates from which to pluck your next great employee.

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