
Grow your business with a culture of Thanksgiving

We all have been guilty of it at one time or another. From founders to front line employee. Complaining about customers. This should not be tolerated under any circumstances. None. If you want more customers that are more profitable an attitude of thanks giving must be part of your culture. This ideas is so relevant in our hyper social society that Gary Vaynerchuk wrote a book call The Thank You Economy.

You know as a business owner you don't have one boss but many. You work for every client and they pay you. Employees on the other hand view you as the provider of their pay. It is easy for them to fall into the trap of complaining about clients because of that loss of connection between their lively hood and a customer's continued patronage.

To continue being thankful for all of your clients you must maintain do the following:

  • Set clear expectations on what you provide.
  • Train customers and employees on the best ways to communicate with each other.
  • Share the tangible impact of each new client and the loss of a client with employees when that happens too. "If we add X number of clients we will be able to hire more, start profit sharing, open a new office, etc."
  • Be willing to part ways with clients that detract from your goals. Some customers are not worth the hassle despite the revenue. If fact by helping that customer find a better provider for their needs you free up time, talent, and resources to grow your business. This can happen by service your other clients better of focusing on adding new clients who fit your business model.

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