
Employee depression & decreased productivity at work

We've just past Thanksgiving and now Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years Eve/Day, and other festivities are fast approaching. This sounds great for most, but for some of your employees the holidays are the most depressing time of year. Emotional slumps, while pronounced during the holiday season, happen to people all through the year. These down turns can spell disaster for employee productivity. You're not a counselor and you are working on your own anger management issues, so how can you help get that off kilter employee get back on track?

Consider investing in an EAP, employee assistance program. Whether you are lager or small employer making these services available through your HR department can be a life saver. The employee program usually offers a combination of:

Employee Counseling:

  • Confidential telephone consultations
  • Access to online resource library
  • In person counseling for each member of the family

Work-Life Balance Services

  • Legal / financial issues & planning
  • Parent education
  • Adoption assistance
  • Day care referrals
  • Senior housing referrals
  • College planning

Personal Challenge Services

  • Work related issues
  • Marital & family problems
  • Anger & stress management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Parenting challenges
  • Alcohol & drug problems

How much you ask? A whole lot less than lost productivity, absenteeism, or a law suit if something really goes wrong in the office. To answer your question directly, most plans are under $5.00 per employee per month. Well worth making available so you can focus on growing the business and supporting your staff who are in it with you.

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