
The workplace: It's a jungle in there

Wow, I just watched 20/20's "Workplace Confidential" and it makes the employee-employer relationship  look like a Discover Channel show. Given the media's over dramatize to make a point, the piece would seem to paint the work place as a chaotic mess. Over my career I have experienced environments that I was glad to leave at the end of the meeting. All roads lead back to the employer when this stuff happens.

After seeing the full episode I came up with ways to help you keep your workplace a place for profits.

Establish a formal and routine review process. This process needs to be a two way street. One question I like my staff to answer before we end a review is, What would you like to see me stop, start, or continue doing to help you reach your goals? The feedback is valuable and asking the question shows respect.

Install a rubber room. Everyone needs some space to blow off steam and vent or just checkout for a few minutes. If rubber walls in the supply closet don't appeal to you try a ping pong table, video games, or other diversion tactic.

Exercise program. Sponsor a company walking club. There are many options to based on the interests of your staff and the level of involvement you'd like to take. Ask Christine & Darien, they can point you in the right direction.

Install bright lines. Large employers that are more likely to be plagued by some of these issue have Bight Line policies. Policy on activities like dating in the workplace is spelled out in such a way that no one can say they didn't understand. These bright lines are talked about so much that you could never say you didn't know. Put them in place they could be some of your best protection.

Remember your job as an employer is to set up people to succeed so they can deliver a superior consumer experience, and increase profits.

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