
Track time without wasting it

When operating a small your resources are limited. Your biggest enemy is a the passage of time. So why in the world would you spend it managing time cards?

In a medical office here are some of the steps involved. Employees fill in paper timesheets, each week you audit them, you have to chase people to get them to tell you about missing entries, they you recalculate the totals, and submit them to the awesome payroll company you use. You do have an awesome payroll company right? Then just before you submit payroll you notice that some of the start / stop times that are written in don't quite match. Yes, the dredded buddy punching.

This process consumes a ton of time for even the smallest staff size. That time should be used instead to build your business. Invest in a SaaS cloud computing option. Employees "punch" in and out from a static web page. If buddy punching is a concern you can install a biometric hand or thumb reader. You can audit these electronic time cards daily or weekly. A good system will highlight missed punch and give you other metrics to better manage staffing levels among other things.

By putting a modern time and attendance system in your office you will put time back on your side, stay in compliance with State & Federal labor laws, and build trust with our employees.

For more information about setting up a good system leave a comment so that I share more regarding your specific situation.

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